Seeing Peace: The Tableaux

Every September when the General Assembly first convenes, the Peace Bell is struck and the sound resonates throughout the area.

The delegates are called. The doors to the Assembly open and they enter.
In September of 2005, when the bell was struck, an artist accompanied each delegate. They entered, pair by pair. As their names were announced they came to the tables of their respective country and took their seat.

Artists at the table with their respective delegates. 191 Artists and 191 Ambassadors. The Secretary General introduced Seeing Peace and talked about the need for art, creativity and imagination as the seeds for the common ground of peace.

A presentation to the Assembly of the genesis of Seeing Peace, the crucial role of the imagination in developing international policy, the essential participation of art/artists in creating peace and engaging in the great global dialogues of our time was made. Each country's Ambassador and Artist engaged in a dialogue on Seeing Peace using the artist's exhibited work as a point of departure.

Seeing Peace developed a short list of artists with experience in working on an international level from each participating country. The country's representatives chose from this list or decided upon a separate artist of their choice to participate. All of the work done by Seeing Peace was in collaboration with the participating countries.

In San Francisco, the tableaux/dialogue will occurred in the rotunda of City Hall with the Consul Generals and the Artists.