Seeing Peace Introduction

I want to introduce you to Seeing Peace.

Former Secretary of Defense of the United States, Robert McNamara, commenting on wars of the 20th century, wrote:

"In retrospect, we can now understand these catastrophes for what they were: essentially the products of a failure of the imagination."

Seeing Peace was born out of an understanding that this failure of the imagination is the missing link in most institutional responses to conflict and hostility in the world. That without the imagination, without ability to "think outside the box," without a vision from our creative community, our responses to war and aggression will only institute more wars and aggressions.

Seeing Peace intends to rectify this by bringing the artist to the table. We intend to manifest a forum where the imagination is not only present, but is an active participant in the process of envisioning peace.

In traditional societies art was integral to the community. Essential to its survival the artist was considered an important part of the community. Artists were looked to to shape the community's creative life and for their imaginative input during times of stress or simply when all leaders came to the table to discuss issues of concern.

The artist was invited and came to the table.

Seeing Peace presents a vision. The act of creation marks a victory over destruction and death.

We celebrate the artist at the table.

See Peace.

P.S. "But I do believe in the power of art to change consciousness. And I know that the simple persistence and the will to go on working, declaring oneself visible and accountable is the only sure practice through which we can live and keep alive our goals and visions." 
- Arlene Raven